Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Class Topics

As you probably have realized, Instruction Technology is a huge field of study. We, however, are going to take a crack at covering it in under 3 weeks. Thus, it will be importanmt for us to hit the ground running today and not slow down. In an attempt to help you navigate this course, I am posting the topics I will be covering for each of our classes. The topics are as follows:
  1. Jan. 4 - Course Introduction, Info Tech Self Assessment and Online Writing using a Weblog, other misc stuff.
  2. Jan. 5 - Online discussion on topic TBA. We will use AbbyNet to facilitate this discussion.
  3. Monday, January 9 - Productivity Software - Word Pro, Spread Sheets, Databases,
  4. Tuesday, January 10 - Productivity Software (cont.) - Draw and Paint and Digital Photography
  5. Thursday, January 12 - Online Discussion TBA
  6. Saturday, January 14 - Drop in from 9 AM - 3 PM (Attendance is not compulsory)
  7. Monday, January 16 - Digital Video and Music Production
  8. Tuesday, January 17 - Presentation Software
  9. Friday, January 20 - Presentations


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