Thursday, December 22, 2005

Course Outline

Instructor: Gary Toews
Class LocationInformation Technology Centre - Abbotsford
Class times:
 Day Time
Wednesday, January 4 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Thursday, January 5 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM ~ 8:30PM - 9:30PM *
Monday, January 9 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Tuesday, January 10 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Thursday, January 12 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM ~ 8:30PM - 9:30PM *
Monday, January 16 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Tuesday, January 17 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Friday, January 20 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
* Virtual Contact Time (I will be available for online interaction)

Office: 2343 McCallum Rd Abbotsford BC  
Office Hours: Virtual Contact via email and chat online (anytime)
Phone:  (604) 302-2952

Calendar Description

The role of information technologies and resources in instruction, with emphasis on computers and computer applications' software; utilization of materials in schools and the role of school libraries; laboratories in basic audiovisual instructional techniques.

Text/Reading List

There may be a photocopying fee for course handouts.

Course Outline
  1. Issues Affecting Information and Communication Technology
  2. What Does Best Practice in ICT Look Like?
  3. Preparing Students for the Information World of Tomorrow
  4. The Best and Worst Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom
  5. Transforming Instruction with Information & Communication Technology

  1. Basic Computer Operating Skills
  2. Word Processing (Beyond the Basics)
  3. Spreadsheets and Graphing Data
  4. Basic Data Bases
  5. Basic Networking and Telecommunications
  6. Media Communications (Including Still and Moving Images and Audio)
  7. Multimedia Integration and Presentation

There are two purposes for this course: First, it is important that teachers have a well-developed arsenal of skills in ICT in order to be prepared to teach, not only in today’s schools, but in the schools of the future. Students are typically more techno-savvy than their teachers. Teachers must not only be masters of the use of technology but must develop lifelong skills and attitudes that will keep them abreast of where technology is going.
The second purpose for the course is to have students begin to think critically about issues affecting technology and instruction. The extent to which technology is changing instruction is profound. It will be imperative that new teachers are well aware of what the contemporary issues in instructional technology are, and will be, in the future. In addition, they will need to be aware of the forces that are continuing to shape the new information era.

An updated list of readings will be available at the following website:

1. EdTech Self-Assessment    10%
Students will fill out a EdTech Self-Assessment prior to the start of the course. Toward the end of the course they will fill it out again and comment, where appropriate, on the process that they were involved in to advance their skills and knowledge.
Due: January 20, 2006.

2. Quiz         10%
The quiz will cover basic concepts covered in course.
It will be taken online the weekend of January 13 – 15, 2006    
3. Productivity Software Assignments    20%
a) 3 Basic Documents
Students will create 3  AppleWorks documents: one Word Processing, one  Spreadsheet/Graph, and one Database
The documents will be ones that they would typically use while teaching.
Basic Documents Due: January 9, 2006

b) 1 Integrated Document
Students will create one document that integrates at least three of the modules within AppleWorks: Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Drawing, Painting and DataBase
Integrated Document Due: January 13, 2006

4. On-line Discussion    10%    
Ongoing participation in online discussions taking the form of weblog posts and comments to other class members’ weblogs.

Due: January 20, 2005

5. Presentation    20%    
Part A:  Students will select an issue relevant to education technology today.  They will conduct internet searches to gather information. The will discuss the issue and its potential impact on education and come up with recommendations.
Part B:  Using a word processor, students will create a handout to accompany their presentation with the main points included.
Part C:  Students will present their findings to the class using a computer and LCD/video projector. Presentation time should be no more than 5 minutes. There is no minimum length for the written material since it may take on one of many different forms.
Part D: All references will be posted on the students’ weblogs.

Due to be presented: January 20, 2006.

5.  Weblog    20%    
1.The weblog should be posted to regularly: (5 times per week.)
2. It should incorporate images to increase the interest level.
3. It should document a list of links that were of interest during the research for the presentation.
4. One post should be a complete list of resources used while preparing for the presentation assignment. It will serve as an electronic bibliography
5. The weblog should include the use of hyperlinks to add richness to the content and add reference to the writing.
6. The weblog should include reflective pieces and display a development in thinking around education technology issues throughout the course.

Due: January 20, 2006.

6. Participation (in-class and on-line)    10%    

Grading etc.  

Students must abide by academic regulations as set out in the university calendar.  They must observe standards of 'scholarly integrity' especially with regards to plagiarism and cheating (see pp. 31-32 of the 2005-2006 Undergraduate Calendar, and pp. 22-23 of the 2005-2006 Graduate Calendar.

Extensions may be granted by consultations with the instructor BEFORE the due date. Late assignments without appropriate documentation will be deducted 5% per day to a maximum of 3 days.  After the third day, the assignment will not be accepted and will be recorded as a zero.  Mark allocation can be negotiated.  No assignment may be worth less than 10%.  Written and signed requests to change mark allocation must be received by (date).


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